Elber ESE DVB-S/S2 Satellite Receiver 1.5.x Authentication Bypass

Title: Elber ESE DVB-S/S2 Satellite Receiver 1.5.x Authentication Bypass
Advisory ID: ZSL-2024-5820
Type: Local/Remote
Impact: Security Bypass, Privilege Escalation, System Access, DoS
Risk: (5/5)
Release Date: 17.04.2024
ESE (Elber Satellite Equipment) product line, designed for the high-end radio contribution and distribution market, where quality and reliability are most important. The Elber IRD (Integrated Receiver Decoder) ESE-01 offers a professional audio quality (and composite video) at an excellent quality/price ratio. The development of digital satellite contribution networks and the need to connect a large number of sites require a cheap but reliable and performing satellite receiver with integrated decoder.
The device suffers from an authentication bypass vulnerability through a direct and unauthorized access to the password management functionality. The issue allows attackers to bypass authentication by manipulating the set_pwd endpoint that enables them to overwrite the password of any user within the system. This grants unauthorized and administrative access to protected areas of the application compromising the device's system security.
Elber S.r.l. - https://www.elber.it
Affected Version
1.5.179 Revision 904
1.5.56 Revision 884
1.229 Revision 440
Tested On
NBFM Controller
Vendor Status
[18.08.2023] Vulnerability discovered.
[20.08.2023] Vendor contacted.
[29.09.2023] No response from the vendor.
[09.12.2023] Vendor contacted.
[02.02.2024] No response from the vendor.
[16.03.2024] Vendor contacted.
[16.04.2024] No response from the vendor.
[17.04.2024] Public security advisory released.
Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko Krstic - <gjoko@zeroscience.mk>
[1] https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/178140/
[2] https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/52069
[3] https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2025-0674
[4] https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/ics-advisories/icsa-25-035-03
[17.04.2024] - Initial release
[22.05.2024] - Added reference [1]
[18.09.2024] - Added reference [2]
[04.02.2025] - Added reference [3] and [4]
Zero Science Lab

Web: https://www.zeroscience.mk
e-mail: lab@zeroscience.mk